Saturday, November 13, 2010
Certainly situation was different this time.Rather than entertaining myself I felt sad and more weariness for these naughty gays.Story is same for these dumbs as of with other creatures our world in this age of human dominance.They are facing constant habitant loss due to ever expanding urbanization of village and adding to that is the increase in their numbers.So they are compelled to interfere in human activity ie. eating(destroying) our cultivation.Situation is so worse that farmers are reluctant to garden farming which is main source of vegetables.Before, they came in groups , eats little ,destroy more and moves on.But now they are persisting and eating everything even buds ,leaves.No one has tried it but what if people start doing the same as they doing with elephants & lions,poisoning the monkeys or anyway killing them.Just a heart brake.I am a Hindu as well as a atheists .But still very proud of my faith because it is only in my faith that god is a lion/pig/snake/monkey/fish and all.So whole idea of Hinduism is revolves around nature and as a real Hindu we should worship,serve and protect the nature and its all constituents. A lord Hanuman feeling have saved the monkey but up to which level human can take it. Our God has no existence but it is the godness in human kept the god alive and the time we left it God will automatically get killed. So a animal killed is like killing god.Hinduism has given a sanctuary to these monkeys in our house hold for many thousand years and kept intact the godness in us. Presently time has come to work so the those many thousand years hardship do not go away .
So now comes the solution, as the formula is much easy to say that is to stop growing population of monkeys in ethical ways. We have to make a family control plan for them that is we have to add vaginal contraceptive ring to female monkeys or surgical operation on male monkeys.Yes it will be tough because before doing anything we have to caught the monkey.Still the out come will phenomenal for both human and monkeys.I think there is no need to say human should control itself.So time has come when we have to sacrifice some of our selfish attitude to save the Godness among us and ultimately the God we pray in difficulties.
By the way spending few time on monkey watching is very interesting.
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Everything we see,read,listen has a history to know.It's interesting,It's inspiring,savvy!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
need of a contradictory push
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
We the sitting ducks on an explosion

-- Isaac Asimov
'220,000,000 & 400,000,000' first one is the no of hungry people in India the next one is the no of uneducated people in India.If we combine them we will get another new set that is the uneducated very poor people.This is the group that poses maximum threat to our country even more than nuclear armed Pakistan.In last 60 years all the state sponsored social welfare projects have been failed because govt has not given the importance to the core issue that is geometric population growth in this section.As the parents are uneducated and poor, their of-springs are many and uneducated-poor and in whole this is recursive.What ever fund we rise to implement their welfare project it remains less as they have grown their size.Yes main culprit are the people in power who are reluctant to focus in main issue because it will hurt their personal gain.
My idea is why not we rise organisations with private body in line of insurance companies.We have to admit that government machineries failed in this particular plan implementation. There is a scheme of financial gain for home with less children by govt but this is not working.So we must think for a new structure that is agent-customer model of insurance company.Private people paid on basis of success to pursue family to have a small family.Both the benefits for family and agent will taken care by government.Importantly companies must be private with govt funded looking at their performance. Initially govt have to take care of a huge monetary burden but we can make it from the low expenditure on health,education,housing, employment etc in coming years.Yes there are many angles which are not taken care in this.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Still I love this leaping creature called cricket-2
But before doing this we have to face three hurdles.May some franchise owners will reluctant to do this as they will do not see major economical gains.But I believe there number will be small and a BCCI arm twisting will change their mind.Next one from inside BCCI as state boards will reluctant to name there only important tournament to a second string one but it can be solved if we show them the financial gain they will have.Yes the third one for which I see no shore is some people will come with idea that scarping tournaments associated with name like Zal Irani,DB Deodhar & KS Duleepshingji is dishonor to respective grate persons and relative state/community they belongs, which is in my word cheap and ignorant politics.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Indian wild boars
One day a wise man told the villagers to gather all the food from every household and put it in the middle of a big empty field. They followed his advice, and immediately they saw hundreds of wild boars approaching the vicinity where the food was placed. The wild boars were apprehensive initially, but after a while they went for the food.
Once the wild boars had a taste of the food they came back for the free food everyday. And everyday the villagers would put more food in the field and the wild boars would come to have their free meals. After a while, the wise man asked the villagers to erect four poles at the four-corners of the field.The wild boars were too busy having their food that they did not take notice of what was happening.
After a few weeks, the wild boars developed the habit of having free food. The wise man then asked the villagers to put fencing around the field, with a large gate through which the wild boars can enter to have their food. Finally once the fencing and the gate were completed the villagers closed the gate and all the wild boars were trapped inside the field. The wild boars were finally defeated!
Relevance of story is that politicians in our country has seen the poor mass as the wild boars of the story.As we come nearer to the state election of WB & TN, the two political parties TMC & DMK which are major allies of UPA in center are bargaining hard for increase in food subsidy which they can call their achievement for the cause of poor when they will go to people.We almost spend around USD 12 billion in previous financial year on food security and the major beneficiary are not poor but government officials, PDS distributor and the middle man from whom government buying in more price than market. Another major problem created by this system is creating a habit of free food which is a trap.Working people will always work and pay the tax.These power crazy politicians will be always in power by just giving the the hard yearned money as freebies and taking all the credit .Poor being uneducated will take this as a gratitude and sleep and remain ever poor.My honest request is stop all these projects as soon as possible or just confined them to pocket regions where we have seen situation like flood or drought .A poor man's real problem is that he can lost his whole life saving in medical bill and have no money to spend on education because they find it useless.So govt should come up with free hospitals irrespective of bigger nature of diseases and guarantee of free higher education for poor .There is very less chance that people over us will change and will try most not to change the people under.
Eventually boars lost their freedom ,we have almost !
We must stand and regain it.
[Peepli Live is a fabulous movie if we try to understand it.]
Friday, September 10, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Still I Love this leaping creature called cricket-1
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Worthiness of social infrastructure projects-1
Friday, June 11, 2010
My consciousness
I am Sagar Nayak going to write in my blog something that really hunt me in only night. I am born in a middle class family . Also I am well educated by my family to take care of myself for a comfortable life afterwards. Now i am going to be 25 years old so relatively i have seen one third of my life most probably. But now comes a strange part of my life where i am going to be given responsibilities.Here comes the most trouble some question of my life. In last 10 years from which period i have got the thinking power seen thousand of people with responsibilities of all kinds. Is not responsibilities making people selfish and also we using responsibilities in a selfish way ? Are we not interested to listen the line buzz ‘you are a selfish’ which sounds from every where. We are just behaving as if all are dumb and deaf. I think there is no need of example but if you insist that you are not behaving but you are then took out a single evening at go to your near by hospital and stand to the medicine store there . I am sure you will ashamed of your self in just 5 minutes as you can see people who can not buy a anti colic medicine and praying for death ,wait there is more - the pain is because they are half feed almost everyday for years.
I want to say just go out of home look at anything with thinking eyes you can find it has gone horribly wrong. Then what is the value of so many responsibilities.why should i take responsibility when i can say all the responsible people around me are failed .So i have to find other way but before that i have to come out for a 24 hour mode instead of nights. Please god if you are here give the way before this nightmare kills me.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
A true cricket lovers wish
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Long way to go
what is wrong when a person advices his relatives/friends about which he is so sure. From no where he created a value of 25k cr for BCCI through his sheer management skills and hard working. when he made some crores we are colouring him as corrupt. It is very injustice when people like mulayam,lalu and other politicians(who have eaten thousand crores of peoples money in various scams & only committed to their interest & family)termed him as a venal inside parliament without proper investigation.News channels just worried about TRP but not the reality as always they do.Everybody has doubt at beginning, Jaipur bombings in 2008,general election in 2009 and present terrorism threat nothing have been stopped Mr Lalit Modi from achieving his goal for which we must honour him. I think in parliament there are a lot of important things pending to be done so please do not go for cheap publicity as everybody knows about the handling of sports come under sports ministry. please give a better look to coming commonwealth game which may become a national shame.
Mr Lalit Modi, this is India so good works always amerced.So please do not disheartened, IPL just a big baby, long way to go.