HOUSES-'which do not make city'
Sometimes I'm confused by what I think is really obvious. But what I think is really obvious obviously isn't obvious. Looking at the little but unpleasant slum at my locality I came to this obvious conclusion. Globalization has offered a lot to India and one of them is a modern day caste order to Indian cities.The great Indian middle class and in contrast the slumdogs.It will be my foolishness if I go to describe why the middle class people do not want to see a chunk of slum near by its home.The answer will be numerous as well as hatred.Frankly speaking we don't want these unpleasant looking small dwellers in our visual horizon.
Lets take a flashback of my words and talk about our housemaid,without her my mum may struggle to run home.That is not my mum but I suspect every household will have same experience.Of course our housemaid hails from that slum as others also. The man who have opened the laundry ,The two people who comes to collect the daily garbage,the women who sweep the road and the people alike.My imagination is through but here it finds no air. My belief finds something but why men-women do not find anything.May be I have not that eye! Or the eyes have get older! Sometimes I'm confused.
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