Its here, The Chat-Pat cricket or you can call it T20 in form of Orissa premier league.Now Its going to be a serious entertainment and.................[Pause]. Hallo have any body have ever seen a cricket game beyond 25 over being organised by OCA . Then what the hell is OPL all about ! Just a new media fancy name or a sick mimic to show we are doing nothing.For me, Is there any thing beyond rock bottom,if yes then we are going to witness it in the Orissa Cricket.
When IPL give many domestic cricketers limelight, why there is not a single boy from Orissa!No body to blame except the people managing cricket for Orissa.Why IPL is flooded with so many players from Tamilnadu or Mumbai! Give a close look, they play real cricket that is the longer format in schools,colleges,universities and of-course in club level where as we play 20-20 all the way. Australia won 3 world cups with the tag of best test team and India repeated the same.The best scorers of IPL is also the highest scorer in test. Definitely OCA's 1.5cr in 10 years is no match for BCCI with 2000cr from which OCA share is roughly 60cr.The logic works same way on Orissa players also. So it would have been good if we have gone for a longer format league than 20-20 as we need good cricket to entertain us not otherwise.
If I predict the winner then scammer companies have a way to show expenditure in their balance sheet to evade Tax, organizers with pocketful money,Media with some content to show or write and of-course more rash cricket which we are playing from long.As we are in a age when media is only decider irrespective of what is the result so nobody can stop the success of OPL and their organizers.
Sadly in end only cricket will suffer.
Sometimes I'm confused by what I think is really obvious. But what I think is really obvious obviously isn't obvious. Looking at the little but unpleasant slum at my locality I came to this obvious conclusion. Globalization has offered a lot to India and one of them is a modern day caste order to Indian cities.The great Indian middle class and in contrast the slumdogs.It will be my foolishness if I go to describe why the middle class people do not want to see a chunk of slum near by its home.The answer will be numerous as well as hatred.Frankly speaking we don't want these unpleasant looking small dwellers in our visual horizon.
Lets take a flashback of my words and talk about our housemaid,without her my mum may struggle to run home.That is not my mum but I suspect every household will have same experience.Of course our housemaid hails from that slum as others also. The man who have opened the laundry ,The two people who comes to collect the daily garbage,the women who sweep the road and the people alike.My imagination is through but here it finds no air. My belief finds something but why men-women do not find anything.May be I have not that eye! Or the eyes have get older! Sometimes I'm confused.
It should not but it have happened this way. Our politicians have started doing very well in 'Mathematics'.Even better than the eminent mathematician , as they have taught the world how a good mathematics knowledge is most important to seek a victory in election of any type(From panchyat ward member to lower national general election) . Just first study what is the no of population of different groups which can be differentiated on words like Majority-Minority,Dalits-Who call them Dalits,Adivasi-New vasi,Slum dwellers-concrete Gharbale and even in Upper sahi-Tala sahi.Anyhow make a combination that assures you 30% vote of total account by uttering things like 'Brahman ke lie arakhyan'.....I can not put my mouth out here as it can be against the publishing rule of BLOG . I heard some software companies have started working on a program to make things more fault proof.That much I will come to my point.The voting system In our country has lately creating a paradox that to divide our country for achieve mere power by hand of politicians.
So time has come when we change the way voting process is run in India.We should go with a double layer voting.That is 1st layer should be like the one we are doing present but instead of choosing a single winer we must find out best four for which people voted.In next step we should go for negative voting that is from four person earlier chosen who is least hated.Yes by this politicians will not change their color but they will fear to appease a single community/cast/group and spread the hatred in my country.Because a united India matters.
She has not much thought except how quickly the weekend come as weekend will come with the prize of past seven-days hardship
700.As every prize comes with dedication,hardship how can be it different .Then what is wrong ! Wrong are the todays newspapers who have come with a full front page adds for companies (needless to mention the names) that bump development in my state on eve of 26 January. Definitely multinationals have given her a opportunity to yearn and support her family but for a girl of 15 this opportunity is harsh punishment .She has to be out of educational system and more from the social system and forced into a environment where female hood lacks its existence.Her family never understand the amount of risk they are putting her for a
100 at times of when 1kg onion cost half of that and this is due to lack of education and deep poverty where every rupee is big thing.And it is not story of someone but lakhs of girls,women working as daily wage labours in the mining zones of Orissa, Chatisgargh and Jharkhand . May be these mining multinationals bringing development but when comes to adds showing smiling tribal people,they are completely false.These are just adds,I do not know why they need to publish it.Just waste of main pages and important news.